Informationsveranstaltung "Patientenverfügung, Vorsorgevollmacht, Betreuungsverfügung"

Veröffentlicht am 21.03.2012 in Soziales & Familie

Dr. Wolfgang Hasselkus

Vor zahlreichen Zuhörern aus den Stadtteilen Rothenhof und Kipfendorf referierten auf Einladung der SPD-Sektion Rothenhof der Rödentaler Seniorenbeauftragte Dr. Wolfgang Hasselkus sowie der Coburger Stadtrat und Vorsitzende des SPD-Unterbezirks Coburg-Kronach, Dr. Carl-Christian Dressel, am 21. März 2012 über die Themen "Patientenverfügung, Vorsorgevollmacht und Betreuungsverfügung" im FC/TSV Sportheim in Rothenhof. Unter der Moderation des Rothenhofer Sektionsvorsitzenden, Stadtrat Thomas Lesch entwickelte sich eine lebhafte Diskussion. Die einzelnen Themen wurden in Kurzreferaten vorgestellt. Beide Referenten mussten anschließend eine Vielzahl von Fragen zu diesem in der Öffentlichkeit immer wichtiger werdenden Themenkreis beantworten, bevor ein informativer Nachmittag sein Ende fand.


Homepage SPD Rödental


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Super Congratulations on your new bundle of joy. She is such a puoeicrs doll. Keep us in your prayers. With God's help we will be posting soon with our little bundle or bundles of joy ( I really want twins). I had my TR on July 10, 2008. We haven't gotten our BFP (Big Fat Positive) yet, but I'm claiming it done. My husband and I have been wanting a child since 2003. Our funds prevented it. But thank God we were able to get it done 2 months ago. I honestly believe God allowed it to happen for a reason and that reason it to bring joy to our home once again. I have 3 children from a previous marriage. Ages 19, 21 and 23. He has 1 child from a previous relationship. Age 18. So we are really wanting a child together. Please blow baby dust our way. Once again congratulations on your puoeicrs bundle of joy.

Autor: Faisal, Datum: 20.05.2012, 02:58 Uhr


NADINE You can make payments via our pre-payment plan for tubal rearsevl surgery. Anything you want to know about tubal anastomosis is on the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center website. You can also speak with one of our Tubal Reversal Nurses at (919) 968-4656 for a free telephone consultation.

Autor: Elizabeth, Datum: 18.05.2012, 08:48 Uhr


I have 3 kids and I had my last one October 15,2009. I did get a tubal and I thought I would never want anthoer kid. I have changed my mind and would like to have anthoer baby so I would like to know if thats possible? What the procedure consists of and how long it takes? How much it is and all the info I would possibly need? Do you do payment plans?

Autor: Kendy, Datum: 18.05.2012, 02:14 Uhr

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